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Miso Sweet Potatoes with Tahini Greens

This is the perfect one man dish - full of nutrients, veggies, plant based protein and flavour! Its also super cheap and easy to prepare, just look to use seasonal green veggies. I personally never grow tired of the combination of sweet potato and savoury miso/tahini, this truly is a staple!

Serves 1 - easy to scale up


1 sweet potato

1 tsp white miso paste

1 tsp oil

1 tsp soy sauce

Handful kale

Handful green beans (Other green veggies can work too, such as spinach, broccoli or broad beans, so choose what is seasonal and locally available!)

Handful haricot beans cooked

1 tsp tahini

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 spring onion

Small bunch fresh coriander


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix together the miso paste, oil and soy sauce. Cut the sweet potato in half and score the open flesh. Place on a roasting tray and cover in the glaze. Roast for 45 - 60 minutes, until beginning to blacken and soft inside.

  2. Trim the green beans and slice, then add to a pan of boiling water. Boil for around 3 minutes until soft, then drain.

  3. Slice the kale, and add it into the bean pan and return to a low heat. Add in the haricot beans and stir until the kale is wilted. Stir in the tahini, lemon, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

  4. Finely chop the spring onion and coriander, and serve with the green veg and potatoes.


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